Thursday, April 29, 2021

Q1 2021: WorldWide smartphone market share: Samsung 21.8%, Apple 16%, Xiaomi 14.1%, OPPO 10.8%, says IDC.


The pace of recovery for the smartphone market accelerated in the first quarter of 2021 (1Q21) with 25.5% year-over-year shipment growth. According to preliminary data from the International Data Corporation (IDCWorldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker, smartphone vendors shipped nearly 346 million devices during the quarter. The strong growth came from all regions with the greatest gains coming from China and Asia/Pacific (excluding Japan and China). As the two largest regions globally, accounting for half of all global shipments, these regions experienced 30% and 28% year-over-year growth, respectively.

"The recovery is proceeding faster than we expected, clearly demonstrating a healthy appetite for smartphones globally. But amidst this phenomenal growth, we must remember that we are comparing against one of the worst quarters in smartphone history,1Q20, the start of the pandemic when the bulk of the supply chain was at a halt and China was in full lockdown," said Nabila Popal, research director with IDC's Worldwide Mobile Device Trackers. "However, the growth is still very real; when compared to two years ago (1Q19), shipments are 11% higher. The growth is coming from years of repressed refresh cycles with a boost from 5G.

But above all, it is a clear illustration of how smartphones are becoming an increasingly important element of our everyday life – a trend that is expected to continue as we head into a post-pandemic world with many consumers carrying forward the new smartphone use cases which emerged from the pandemic."

As the smartphone market is recovering, a major shift is happening in the competitive landscape. Huawei is finally out of the Top 5 for the first time in many years, after suffering heavy declines under the increased weight of U.S. sanctions. Taking advantage of this are the Chinese vendors Xiaomi, OPPO, and Vivo, which all grew share over last quarter landing them in 3rd, 4th, and 5th places globally during the quarter with 14.1%, 10.8%, and 10.1% share, respectively.

 All three vendors are increasing their focus in international markets where Huawei had grown its share in recent years. In the low- to mid-priced segment, it is these vendors that are gaining the most from Huawei's decline, while most of the high-end share is going to Apple and Samsung. 

Samsung regained the top spot in 1Q21 with impressive shipments of 75.3 million and 21.8% share. The new S21 series did well for Samsung, mainly thanks to a successful pricing strategy shaving off $200 from last year's flagship launch. Apple, with continued success of its iPhone 12 series, lost some share from their very strong holiday quarter but still shipped an impressive 55.2 million iPhones grabbing 16.0% share.

"While Huawei continues its decline in the smartphone market, we’ve also learned that LG is exiting the market altogether," said Ryan Reith, program vice president with IDC's Worldwide Mobile Device Trackers. "Most of LG's volume was in the Americas with North America accounting for over 50% of its volume and Latin America another 30%. Despite the vendor losing ground in recent years, they still had 9% of the North American market and 6% of Latin America. Their exit creates some immediate opportunities for other brands. With competition being more cutthroat than ever, especially at the low-end, it is safe to assume that 6-10 brands are eyeing this shared opportunity."

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Microsoft: Lanzamiento de Windows 10 Build 19043.962 (21H1) a canales beta de vista previa de canales y versiones.

Lanzamiento de Windows 10 Build 19043.962 (21H1) a canales beta de vista previa de canales y versiones

Escrito por

·         Equipo del programa Windows Insider

publicado19 de abril de 2021

ACTUALIZACIÓN 4/20: Esta actualización aún no se ha ofrecido a dispositivos comerciales en el canal de vista previa de lanzamiento en 21H1. Haremos que la actualización esté disponible pronto.

Hola Windows Insiders, hoy estamos lanzando 21H1 Build 19043.962 (KB5001391) al Canal Beta para aquellos Insiders que están en 21H1 (Haga clic aquí para el anuncio de 21H1). Esta actualización también está disponible para dispositivos comerciales en el canal de vista previa de lanzamiento en 21H1 como se menciona aquí en esta entrada de blog.

Esta actualización incluye las siguientes mejoras:

·         Estamos implementando noticias e intereses en la barra de tareas de Windows a los anillos beta y de vista previa de versión. Esto ha estado disponible en el Canal de desarrollo, con mejoras continuas basadas en los comentarios de Insider. Las noticias y los intereses en la barra de tareas hacen que sea fácil mantenerse al día con la información de un vistazo, y esperamos escuchar lo que piensa.

·         Hemos corregido un problema que impedía que un sitio pasara del modo de configuración de Microsoft Edge cuando se esperaba.

·         Hemos corregido un problema que no quitaba completamente los perfiles obligatorios al cerrar sesión al usar la directiva de grupo "Eliminar copias almacenadas en caché de perfiles móviles".

·         Se ha corregido un problema que provocaba que aparecieran iconos en blanco en el menú Inicio con nombres como "ms-resource:AppName" o "ms-resource:appDisplayName". Estos iconos en blanco representan las aplicaciones instaladas y aparecen durante aproximadamente 15 minutos después de actualizar a una versión más reciente de Windows 10. La instalación de esta actualización impide que estos iconos en blanco aparezcan en el menú Inicio.

·         Hemos corregido un problema con el Editor de métodos de entrada (IME) japonés de Microsoft que impedía que la ventana candidata personalizada de una aplicación se mostrara correctamente.

·         Hemos corregido un problema que se produce al instalar aplicaciones de inventario.

·         Hemos corregido un problema que incluyeba reglas de modo kernel para aplicaciones .NET en directivas de Control de aplicaciones de Windows Defender. Como resultado, las directivas generadas son significativamente mayores de lo necesario.

·         Hemos corregido un problema que provocaba que los dispositivos fallaran en la atestación de estado del dispositivo.

·         Hemos corregido un problema que desactivaba el modo S al habilitar el inicio seguro de System Guard en un sistema que ejecuta Windows 10 en modo S.

·         Hemos corregido un problema que provocaba que el uso de memoria .exe lsass creciera hasta que el sistema se vuelva inutilizable. Esto ocurre cuando la seguridad de la capa de transporte (TLS) reanuda una sesión.

·         Se ha corregido un problema con una condición de carrera entre el Programador de tareas y el servicio de estación de trabajo. Como resultado, los usuarios no pueden unirse automáticamente a un dominio híbrido de Azure Active Directory (AAD) y se genera 0x80070490 de errores.

·         Se ha corregido un problema que provocaba un error en la autenticación de Azure Active Directory después de iniciar sesión en máquinas de Escritorio virtual de Windows.

·         Hemos corregido un problema que provocaba que las cuentas de trabajo de AAD desaparecieran inesperadamente de determinadas aplicaciones, como Microsoft Teams o Microsoft Office.

·         Hemos corregido un problema con una configuración parcial del Punto de conexión de servicio (SCP) que hace que dsregcmd.exe deje de funcionar. Este problema se produce debido a una comparación de nombres de dominio que distingue mayúsculas de minúsculas que se produce al unirse a un dominio híbrido de Azure Active Directory mediante el inicio de sesión único (SSO).

·         Hemos corregido un problema que desencadenaba accidentalmente la unión híbrida de AAD cuando la directiva de grupo "Registrar equipos unidos a un dominio como dispositivos" se establece en DISABLED. Para obtener más información, consulte Publicar tareas de configuración para la combinación híbrida de Azure AD.

·         Agregamos la capacidad de ajustar la cantidad de tiempo de inactividad antes de que un auricular se quede dormido en la aplicación Configuración de Windows Mixed Reality.

·         Hemos corregido un problema que podía generar un error de detención cuando los contenedores de Docker se ejecutan con aislamiento de proceso.

·         Hemos corregido un problema que provocaba que la inscripción automática y la recuperación de certificados fallaran con el error" El parámetro es incorrecto."

·         Hemos corregido un problema que podía hacer que las máquinas virtuales de Microsoft Defender Application Guard dejaran de responder cuando Microsoft Defender Application Guard for Office abre un documento. Este problema puede producirse en algunos dispositivos o en controladores que utilizan programación acelerada de hardware de GPU.

·         Hemos corregido un problema que impedía a algunos reproductores multimedia reproducir contenido en dispositivos híbridos que se ejecutan con dGPU en pantallas iGPU.

·         Hemos corregido un problema con las condiciones de carrera que provocan un alto uso de la CPU. Como resultado, el sistema deja de funcionar y se producen interbloqueos.

·         Hemos corregido un problema con un interbloqueo en el sistema de archivos de nueva tecnología (NTFS).

·         Hemos corregido un problema que provocaba que dwm.exe dejara de funcionar en algunos casos.

·         Hemos corregido un problema que podía impedir que una pantalla de la aplicación funcionara cuando se usa un control ActiveX de Escritorio remoto incrustado en una página HTML.

·         Hemos mejorado el servicio de migración de almacenamiento de Windows Server al:

·         Agregar compatibilidad con la migración desde matrices FAS de NetApp a servidores y clústeres de Windows.

·         Resolver múltiples problemas y mejorar la confiabilidad.

·         Para obtener más información, consulte Información general sobre el servicio de migración de almacenamiento.


el equipo del programa Windows Insider 

Microsoft is releasing Windows 10 Build 19043.962 (21H1) to Beta Channel & Release Preview Channels.


Releasing Windows 10 Build 19043.962 (21H1) to Beta Channel & Release Preview Channels

Written By

·         Windows Insider Program Team

published April 19, 2021

UPDATE 4/20: This update is yet to be offered to commercial devices in the Release Preview Channel on 21H1. We will make the update available soon.

Hello Windows Insiders, today we’re releasing 21H1 Build 19043.962 (KB5001391) to the Beta Channel for those Insiders who are on 21H1 (Click here for the 21H1 announcement). This update is also available for commercial devices in the Release Preview Channel on 21H1 as mentioned here in this blog post.

This update includes the following improvements:

·         We are rolling out news and interests on the Windows taskbar to Beta and Release Preview rings. This has been available in the Dev Channel, with on-going improvements based on Insider feedback. News and interests on the taskbar make it easy to stay up to date with information at a glance, and we look forward to hearing what you think.

·         We fixed an issue that prevents a site from transitioning out of Microsoft Edge IE Mode when expected.

·         We fixed an issue that fails to remove mandatory profiles completely when you sign out when using the “Delete cached copies of roaming profiles” Group Policy.

·         We fixed an issue that causes blank tiles to appear on the Start menu with names such as “ms-resource:AppName” or “ms-resource:appDisplayName”. These blank tiles represent the installed applications and appear for approximately 15 minutes after updating to a newer version of Windows 10. Installing this update prevents these blank tiles from appearing on the Start menu.

·         We fixed an issue with the Microsoft Japanese Input Method Editor (IME) that prevents an app’s custom candidate window from displaying correctly.

·         We fixed an issue that occurs when you install inventory applications.

·         We fixed an issue that includes kernel mode rules for .NET applications in Windows Defender Application Control policies. As a result, the generated policies are significantly larger than necessary.

·         We fixed an issue that causes devices to fail Device Health Attestation.

·         We fixed an issue that turns off S Mode when you enable System Guard Secure Launch on a system running Windows 10 in S Mode.

·         We fixed an issue that causes lsass.exe memory usage to grow until the system becomes unusable. This occurs when Transport Layer Security (TLS) resumes a session.

·         We fixed an issue with a race condition between Task Scheduler and the Workstation Service. As a result, users cannot automatically join a hybrid Azure Active Directory (AAD) domain and error 0x80070490 is generated.

·         We fixed an issue that causes Azure Active Directory authentication to fail after signing in on Windows Virtual Desktop machines.

·         We fixed an issue that causes AAD Work Accounts to unexpectedly disappear from certain apps such Microsoft Teams or Microsoft Office.

·         We fixed an issue with a partial Service Connection Point (SCP) configuration that causes dsregcmd.exe to stop working. This issue occurs because of a case-sensitive domain ID name comparison that occurs when joining a hybrid Azure Active Directory domain using single sign-on (SSO).

·         We fixed an issue that accidently triggers hybrid AAD joining when the Group Policy “Register domain-joined computers as devices” is set to DISABLED. For more information, see Post configuration tasks for Hybrid Azure AD join.

·         We added the ability to adjust the amount of idle time before a headset goes to sleep in the Settings app for Windows Mixed Reality.

·         We fixed an issue that might generate a stop error when Docker containers run with process isolation.

·         We fixed an issue that causes automatic enrollment and certificate retrieval to fail with the error, “The parameter is incorrect.”

·         We fixed an issue that might cause Microsoft Defender Application Guard virtual machines to stop responding when Microsoft Defender Application Guard for Office opens a document. This issue might occur on some devices or in drivers that utilize GPU Hardware Accelerated Scheduling.

·         We fixed an issue that prevents some media players from playing content on hybrid devices that are running with dGPU on iGPU displays.

·         We fixed an issue with race conditions that cause high CPU usage. As a result, the system stops working and deadlocks occur.

·         We fixed an issue with a deadlock in the New Technology File System (NTFS).

·         We fixed an issue that causes DWM.exe to stop working in some cases.

·         We fixed an issue that might prevent an application screen from working when using a Remote Desktop ActiveX control that is embedded in an HTML page.

·         We improved the Windows Server Storage Migration Service by:

·         Adding support for migration from NetApp FAS arrays to Windows Servers and clusters.

·         Resolving multiple issues and improving reliability.

·         For more information, see Storage Migration Service overview.

The Windows Insider Program Team


USA: Q1 2021 PC market share: HP 27%, Dell 26,6%, Lenovo 15,7%, Apple 15,1%, Microsoft 5,3%, says Gartner.


Regional Overview

The U.S. market saw strong growth of 24.1% compared to a year ago. Echoing global trends, shipments of deskbased PCs continued to decline but were offset by a robust mobile PC market, with mobile PCs showing 49% growth.

“The positive results in the U.S. reflect a more optimistic economic environment in 2021 compared to 2020 when the market experienced multiple uncertainties due to the pandemic, as well as political and social unrest,” said Ms. Kitagawa.

HP once again secured the top spot in the U.S. PC market based on shipments with 27% market share. Dell closely followed with 26.6% of the U.S. PC market (see Table 2).

In the first quarter of 2021, the EMEA PC market was in line with worldwide growth trends, experiencing 30.9% year-over-year growth to 22.4 million units. The ongoing and, in some cases, increased lockdowns across multiple countries continued to fuel demand for notebooks and Chromebooks to support remote learning and consumer entertainment. Moreover, consumers are upgrading older systems to move beyond limitations such as short battery life, slower speeds and smaller screens.

The Asia Pacific PC market saw strong double-digit growth (37.6%) in the first quarter of 2021. While this figure is partially inflated due to a weak first quarter of 2020, healthy consumer demand and a rebound in desktops from business demands contributed to a strong market. In China specifically, the PC market experienced particularly high growth of 70% year-over-year.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Q1 2021: WorldWide PC market share: Lenovo 24,3%, HP 22,9%, Dell 15,4%, Apple 8%, says IDC.

Global shipments of traditional PCs, including desktops, notebooks, and workstations, grew 55.2% year over year during the first quarter of 2021 (1Q21), according to preliminary results from the International Data Corporation (IDCWorldwide Quarterly Personal Computing Device Tracker. While PCs remain in extremely high demand, the growth rate benefitted from the shortages faced in the first quarter of 2020 when the global pandemic began, resulting in an unusually favorable year-over-year comparison. PC shipments reached 84 million worldwide in 1Q21, a modest 8% decline from the fourth quarter of 2020. While sequential declines are typical for the first quarter, a decline this small has not been seen since the first quarter of 2012 when the PC market declined 7.5% sequentially.

"Unfulfilled demand from the past year has carried forward into the first quarter and additional demand brought on by the pandemic has also continued to drive volume," said Jitesh Ubrani research manager for IDC's Mobile Device Trackers. "However, the market continues to struggle with setbacks including component shortages and logistics issues, each of which has contributed to an increase in average selling prices."

The continued resurgence in the PC market as well as increases in average selling prices (ASPs) have primarily been driven by growth in gaming, the need for higher performance notebooks in the enterprise, and an increase in demand for touchscreens within the education segment.

"There is no question when entering 2021 the backlog for PCs was extensive across business, consumer, and education," said Ryan Reith, program vice president with IDC's Worldwide Mobile Device Trackers. "The ongoing shortages in the semiconductor space only further prolong the ability for vendors to refill inventory and fulfill orders to customers. We believe a fundamental shift has occurred around the PC, which will result in a more positive outlook for years to follow. All three segments – business, education, and consumer – are experiencing demand that we didn't expect to happen regardless of many countries beginning their ‘opening up’ process. Component shortages will likely be a topic of conversation for the majority of 2021, but the more important question should be what PC demand will look like in 2-3 years."


Thursday, April 15, 2021

The Samsung Galaxy Note 21 could arrive after all. The S Pen Pro for the Galaxy Z Fold 3 will come separately.

The Samsung Galaxy Note 21 could arrive after all because the Galaxy Z Fold 3 will not have a dedicated slot for the S Pen.

According to recent news, the Galaxy Z Fold 3 will lose its shape elegance, and water and dust resistance properties could come at risk if Samsung makes a slot for the S Pen in it.

Instead, Samsung will offer a specialized case for keeping the S Pen Pro.

In simple words, Samsung will sell the S Pen Pro separately, as they did with the Galaxy S 21 Ultra.

So the window for the Galaxy Note 21 could be still open for a launch in August 2021.

slashgear via newsnaver Korea.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Samsung Galaxy Unpacked Invitation: The Most Powerful Galaxy is coming. Video. Trailer.

Join Samsung Galaxy Unpacked 2021 on April 28 and discover the most powerful Galaxy yet. The event will be available at Samsung Newsroom and Samsung Youtube at 10 a.m. ET.

Ahead of the latest Unpacked event, Samsung has released an intriguing teaser trailer to set the scene for the virtual unveiling. Take a look at it below.

For us, it is clearly a laptop, according to the size of the box, and if it is powerful could be a Galaxy Book Go, Galaxy Book Pro, and a Galaxy Book Pro 360.

The Galaxy Book Go

 A Windows 10 laptop with a next-generation Snapdragon 8cx/7c processor and built-in LTE connectivity. It will feature a 14-inch Full HD display, 4GB/8GB RAM, 128GB/256GB internal storage, a microSD card slot, dual-band Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 5.1, LTE, a backlit keyboard, a large trackpad, and a couple of USB Type-C ports with 34.5W charging.

The Galaxy Book Pro and the Galaxy Book Pro 360

We expect both will feature Intel’s 11th Gen. Core processors with Intel Iris Xe GPU, OLED touchscreens with a 90Hz refresh rate, an S Pen, and 4G/5G connectivity. They will be available in two screen sizes: 13.3-inch and 15.6-inch. They will also feature LPDDR4X RAM, SSD storage, Thunderbolt 4 ports, and Samsung-exclusive features such as Samsung Notes and SmartThings.


Monday, April 5, 2021

LG why you didn´t go with WebOS for smartphones when you had the chance. Now you are quitting your mobile phone business.


Palm Pre first commercial 6:45 a.m my coffee and my Pre:

Palm Pre Multitasking:

Phones that were ahead of their time: Palm Pre

LG bought to HP the WebOS platform  ( Palm WebOS before that) when it was a unique mobile OS and no one had at that time the way it worked on the devices.

February 25, 2013 

Hewlett-Packard Co said on Monday it will sell the webOS operating system to South Korea’s LG Electronics Inc, unloading the smartphone software it acquired through a $1.2 billion acquisition of Palm in 2010.


Instead LG inserted it on their Smart TVs, some home appliances, car displays, and WebOS is now an Open Source, and it is coming on other TV brands around the world.

Now LG is quitting its mobile phone business that began with Android OS:


Stepping Away from Phone Manufacturing and Sales Enables Company
to Focus on Growth Sectors Including EVs, IoT, and B2B Solutions

LG logo

SEOUL, April 5, 2021 LG Electronics Inc. (LG) announced that it is closing its mobile business unit. The decision was approved by its board of directors earlier today.

LG’s strategic decision to exit the incredibly competitive mobile phone sector will enable the company to focus resources in growth areas such as electric vehicle components, connected devices, smart homes, robotics, artificial intelligence and business-to-business solutions, as well as platforms and services.

LG will provide service support and software updates for customers of existing mobile products for a period of time which will vary by region. LG will work collaboratively with suppliers and business partners throughout the closure of the mobile phone business. Details related to employment will be determined at the local level.

Moving forward, LG will continue to leverage its mobile expertise and develop mobility-related technologies such as 6G to help further strengthen competitiveness in other business areas. Core technologies developed during the two decades of LG’s mobile business operations will also be retained and applied to existing and future products.

The wind-down of the mobile phone business is expected to be completed by July 31 although the inventory of some existing models may still be available after that.

LG you lost your big chance when you did not take WebOS for your smartphones because you were making great hardware at that time.


Palm launched webOS, then called Palm webOS, in January 2009 as the successor to Palm OS. The first webOS device was the original Palm Pre, released by Sprint in June 2009. The Palm Pixi followed. Upgraded "Plus" versions of both Pre and Pixi were released on Verizon and AT&T.

Latest release: LG TV: 6.0; Open-source: 2.5.0; ...
Developer: LG Electronics, Previously Hewlett-...
OS family: Linux (Unix-like)

Marketing target: Embedded devices

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